Melissa Myers

Professional Brewer and Owner of The Good Hop, San Francisco

Melissa Myers started as a trained brewer—and a good one. Her first job was at the Pennsylvania brewery 1996. Now she is the owner of a craft beer shop The Good Hop in Oakland, California. The Good Hop Bar & Bottle Shop is one of the best beer shops to find great selection of beers in the east bay. With more than 400+ beers, Melissa makes purchasing decisions daily about which beer fits a good quality, gives great value and looks good on package.


Meet our 2021 Judges

Herlinda Heras

CoHost of the Craft Beer Radio Brew HaHa KSRO, Sonoma State Univ Beer Education Coordinator

Nicole Erny

Master Cicerone & Quality, Sensory and Education Projects Coordinator at Alvarado Street Brewery